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Precautions for the use and storage of potassium fluoride

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Potassium fluoride is a fluoride salt of potassium. It is white crystal in solid state. It is easily soluble in water and is very apt to absorb moisture. Therefore, Xinghan Chemical reminds everyone to pay special attention to the use and storage to avoid unnecessary operations. Loss and harm.

In operation, to ensure the closed operation, local exhaust, the operator must first undergo professional training before they can work, in strict accordance with the operating procedures. At the same time, for the safety of the operator, the staff should bring the hood-type electric air-discharge type dust-proof respirator and wrap the anti-virus clothing and latex gloves. Dust phenomenon should be avoided during the whole operation. Since the potassium fluoride aqueous solution is alkaline, it is necessary to pay special attention not to contact with acid, otherwise it will cause the potassium fluoride to deteriorate.

When storing, use anti-corrosion glass and porcelain to store, and to avoid moisture and deterioration of potassium fluoride, store it in a cool, dry and ventilated place, away from fire and heat. The sealed package should be stored separately from the acidic and edible items, and suitable equipment should be provided in the storage area to contain the spillage. Handle gently when handling, avoid damage to the packaging container, and equipped with emergency treatment equipment to prevent accidents.

Xinxiang Xinghan Chemical Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of fluoride salts and silicates such as potassium fluoride. It is committed to providing quality products and services to every customer. More information can be found at www.xinghanchem.cn.

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